Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Who would have known that peeing on a stick could change your life so drastically? In an instant, literally, two pink lines change your world. You sit there thinking aloud to yourself "look. no don't look yet. yes look. no wait, don't look yet. Oh my god is that two lines? it's a little faint. Please, Please be two lines..." and then there it is, the answer you've been waiting for.....two pink lines!!!!!!!!! Awesome! What comes next is the best part. You do it all over again just in case!


  1. Love this post! You are so funnny! That is exactly what it's like. I couldn't have said it better. Love you honeeeeeey!

  2. I am SOOOOO Happy for you sweetie! I know how bad you have been wanting this, I could always see it in your eyes! You are going to be a wonderful mommy! This little boy/girl is going to be very blessed to have you as a mommy! We love you and so excited to watch you belly grow!

  3. You did a great job of putting into words the emotions that go along with taking a pregnancy test when you really want to be pregnant! Too cute! Question: does two tests and two lines = twins??? Just kiddin' - even though I know you would love that. You and Christopher are going to make great parents. This little one is SO blessed already. Remember the Bible says that "God knew you BEFORE you were formed in your mother's womb" and that "you are fearfully and wonderfully made." Are you and Christopher going to find out what the sex of the baby is (when you get further along) or do you want it to be a surprise? Take care of yourself and DRINK MORE MILK!!!!!!

  4. I remember that feeling and it was not too long ago. I also took two tests just to make sure. Wait till you have your first ultrasound and hear the heartbeat. It just is so awesome!! Congrats!! Love you,Stacey

  5. Congratulations! Be prepared for morning sickness. It's gonna kick in soon. Here's some resource for morning sickness cure that might just help
